Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Morning with Ipad

The iPad cost me at l least two hours sleep. I was so absorbed in using the virtual keyboard and downloading new aps that it was 1am before I knew it. Then I thought about it before falling asleep. At least I didn't dream about it. Gilbert woke me this morning with puppy tongue licks to the ear. I let him out in the yard where he pooped and peed by himself. In only a few months we've come from me stepping in poo to wet diapers on floor to barking beside the bed to frantic scratching at the door to puppy kisses.
At 6 am he actually let me go back to sleep while he made his own breakfast, turned on the tv and watched trailer park doggie boys. I may have been dreaming. At 7 he woke me to play so I got dressed in sweats and took him for a walk. He even fetched ball for a bit before getting bored.
Now I'm at the Ipad having just downloaded the weather channel one of my Iphone favorite aps. And back to practice on this virtual keyboard which works if I watch my fingers.
I can't fly with writing as i do with a regular keyboard but I'm up to30 wpm about and few mistakes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

I don't see any way of uploading pictures within blogpress or on this safari view. I have pictures I can email and have pictues on the piccassa album online but I don't
Location:W 13th Ave,Vancouver,Canada

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