Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I downloaded Christian Cantrell's ebook Science Fiction thriller from Amazon kindle books for 99c to read on my iPad. I feel "almost" like I should send someone the full price of a hardcover, now that I've read it. it was that good of a read. At 99c it's an unbelievably great 'deal' .

Reviewers compared Cantrell to Azimov and Bradbury. It was that kind of well written engaging fast moving science fiction writing. I really liked how contemporary the politics and science were. The world is deteriorating so the Space Agency colonizes Venus and apparently that's what it's about to those dealing with the problems in the colony. However that's just the story within the much bigger and much more engaging real story. Terrific twists and turns with a bit of Enders Game thrown in.

I loved it and look forward to reading more Cantrell since I probably read all of Azimov and Bradbury years ago.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:W 13th Ave,Vancouver,Canada

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