Saturday, May 14, 2011

Wes Hazlitt

It was great seeing Wes Hazlitt again.  We've known each other since school days.  Today I visitted his lovely home past the University of Manitoba. I drove by my brother Ron's old home on King Drive.   Wes has two dogs and it was clear that they were barkingly delighted to have an excuse to prove they really were great guard dogs.  After greetings all round the  two dogs remained our companions as we caught up on mere decades sitting in his back yard enjoying the Winnipeg sun..  Just like yesterday. I remember Wes so much from high school.  I was doing gymnastics with the YMCA.  Keith Carter, Colin Lount and Kirk Laidlaw were all on Don McQuaigs YMCA gym team.  When I'd show Wes what I'd been practicing for months, with his herculean upper body strength, Wes would do the stunt effortlessly first try.   We were in Vincent Massey student politics as well. His indefatigable good cheer and great sense of humor was ever present. Nothing has changed except neither of us found the time this visit to do gymnastic stunts.
Next I remember seeing Wes  when he'd  opened the Marriage Store on Pembina ahead of the curve. Wes always had an uncanny sense for business. It was only later he'd got into banking. . With Fort Gary friends it seems years have gone by and I  have a few  snapshot of these rich and full lives.   I met his son Scott.  A big full grown married  man.  I'd been sitting with Wes slipping back into believing we were teen agers when this Hazlitt clone suddenly appeared with another dog.  Genetics are uncanny.  My dog Gilbert would have loved to have been here.  Then,  Gail, Wes' wife,  his great love and companion appeared.  Wes the individual exploded into Wes the family.  I know there's this whole extended Hazlitt family with the brother I knew from days gone by. Then there are his countless friends and associates.  It was wonderful to see Gail too.    A part of me was kicking myself for always  being so distant.   Mostly I'm really thankful that Wes and I connected again, after "Wes Wisdom" and sharing on Facebook we were back face to face.  The laughter was so good.  Thanks Wes!    IMG 1874

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