Sunday, March 31, 2013

Christ is Risen!

Easter service at St. James Anglican Church was moving. The choir was inspiring. Mother Jessica's sermon was simple and elegant. His tomb was empty. Mary thought his body taken. Angels spoke to her. Then she recognised Jesus. Rabouni (teacher) she said. The church was decorated in white lilies. Beautiful women dressed in white suits. The men were casual as were some women. I wore a tie and jacket. Gilbert had his very best leash. We participated in communion.
Rev. Mark Greenaway Robbins served the bread. The organ and horns were triumphant. After service we had coffee and cake in the downstairs room. The church family. It was a joy to see Alice, our favourite greeter. Phil and Elizabeth were there from Saudi. Gilbert was ectactic to see his long lost friends again.
All week the Bishop had precided over the services I attended this year in Easter Week.
We are outside now. The sun is brighter. The sky is bluer. A new year in the Christian calendar has begun. Spring is here and the blossoms are beautiful. Christ is risen! Hallelujah!

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