Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Truth about Feminism, Cultural Marxism and Why I Love Women

The Suffragette movement was Christian women wanting the vote just as Christian women had been the moving force behind outlawing slavery.  I was part of the Women’s Liberation Movement which at the time was an extension of the Human Liberation Movement. The Liberation movements were Christian and non Christian but absolutely meritocracy and not anti men.  They simply said that a society should allow equal participation in the pursuit of work.  Tokenism was not a part of the Women’s Liberation Movement.  It was a movement of meritocracy.
In WWII it had been seen that women could do the jobs traditionally taken by men. In peace time women pilots wanted to remain as such having proven that they could fly among a lot of other activities.  There was no reason to ‘exclude’ people from the ‘competition’ for work. It was in the best interest of society as a whole if the ‘best’ person got the job. There was no such insanity as todays corrupted ‘equality’ and ‘social justice’ movemnts.
My brilliant colleague who had survived Auschwitz got into immense difficulties with low brow administrations for describing "modern feminism as one of the maggots crawling off the dead body of Marx, Freud and Darwin". Cultural Marxism was the bastard child of International Communism which attempted to lure people to it’s failed doctrines by wedding Freud with Marx in the infamous Frankfurt School.
Hoff Summers wrote the seminal book, “Who Stole Feminism, How Women Betray Women, in the 80’s.  She went on to write the even more poignant book “The War on Boys” years ago. I bought dozens of copies of her books and gave them to the College of Physicians and Surgeons after being told by the Assistant Registrar, “Women don’t lie about Sex”.
I have felt so alone and defeated and vulnerable facing these arrogant powerful women who claim that they are powerless victims all the while getting their boyfriends, to day the State, to beat you up if they don’t like you, your ideas or your girlfriend.  I was knifed in high school because I refused to sleep with a drunk bad girl who hated my girlfriend so sicced her dumb ass biker boyfriend on me.  My friend did a study of bar fights a few years later recording how most were initiated by a fight between women. Of course this indirect aggression is beyond the ken of people who still believe Hitler invaded Austria to protect German born living there.  Chamberlain’s and Eva Brawns rule today.
The bullies always try to say you’re alone but that’s not the case any more. Two Steps ahead of the crowd and you’re a martyr. One step ahead of the crowd you’re a leader.
Hoff—Summers remains a leader.  But she is not alone. When the likes of PM Justin Trudeau start calling them selves Feminist, you have to know that it’s well past it’s due date. Unfashionable big time among the intelligent.  But there are still the Tide Pod swallowers and condom sniffers so it will be a while yet before it stops its rampage of destruction.
Real Women persist and increasingly they don’t call themselves Feminist as they win Nobel Prizes not because of their genitalia but because of their achievements.  Meritocracy is the basis of civilization.  Just because a person is mentally retarded doesn’t mean they should have the job of prime minister or that a 600 lb  fat person should be picked to be an astronaut because we want to be ‘inclusive’.  Women’s Studies and Gender Studies are as dead as Eugenics and Phrenology.  Thank Goodness.
Now we can hope that Canada will catch up and move into the 21st century.

Christina Hoff Sommers

Camile Paglia

Jordan Peterson

Young women agaisnt feminism

Diana Davison

Janice Fiamengo  - The Fiamengo File

Brendan O'Neil

Feminism is as outdated as bell bottoms.  Women are not. I love bright women and bright men.

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